Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Messages of Our Lady of Kibeho

 Hey Viewer, this is a collection of some favorite messages of  OUR LADY OF KIBEHO, I found these messages through an author's Facebook group page, these may not be in order and some may be old and some new, some of these I have never even heard of. Kibeho is a very small village in Rwanda, that small small country in the HEART of Africa, near Zaire and Kenya and Tanzania. The author who spreaded this message of OUR LADY is Immaculee Ilibagiza, she is a very inspirational character for me and my Faith Journey towards becoming a Catholic. Immaculee is a Devout Catholic, her family was Tutsi and very devout in their Faith, they were killed in the genocide that took place in 1994, before the genocide took place, a miraculous things happened, a school in Kibeho with some school-girls got a visit from Heaven, to try and warn them of the dangers that was about to unfold. These girls became Visionaries and some of them taught the Seven Sorrows Rosary and some others went out to try and evangelize Our Lord's message. 

I am very interested in Marian Apparitions, Kibeho has been one of my favorites, so has Fatima,Portugal. Medjugorje,Bosnia and Lourdes,France. I learned the basic Rosary from discovering Immaculee Ilibagiza's books. She hid in a very small bathroom while the genocide took place with 7 other women, who were Tutsi (there's two tribes in Rwanda, it was either Hutu or Tutsi, Hutu's wanted power back then, they taught Tutsi's were more perfect then them, so it was almost like a Holocaust, it WAS a Holocaust, a Holocaust that happened very very fast and tons of lives were taken through out those few months)...

What you are about to look at, are simple messages, some of them are in books of Immaculee's, I say check out her website Immaculee Ilibagiza's Official Website
Her books are:
1. Left To Tell
2. Led By Faith
3. Our Lady of Kibeho : Mary Speaks to THE WORLD from the HEART of Africa
4. If They Had Only Listened
5. A Visit From Heaven 
Almost all of these books can be checked out at the libraries, if you can try and get them, however "A Visit From Heaven" won't be available for sometime, so that one you may have to check out her website for. Her books are amazingly great, the first 2 are memoirs. 
I will add more each day, I like these messages. Hope you like them too! :
“My children, listen well, and let me repeat the reasons why I came TODAY. I want, I wish that you love one another as we love you. I wish that you say prayers that comes from the heart. I want you to be my flowers, so that you continue to be my praises, because you are my praises..." May 15th 2011
“My children, those who have problems, those who are worried, those who are sad, those who are sick, give me all your problems; I am listening. I will take them and help you. I don’t forget any of your prayers."- May 15th 2011
"My children, those who are married respect one another. Take care of your children, teach them to love, and to have good behavior, and to love their siblings." - May 15th 2011
"My children, don't worry about the difficulties you have. Nothing is better than having God. My dear children, problems exist everywhere, but the most important thing is to have an accepting heart without complaining." - Our Lady of Kibeho
"Be patient with all people, because God is patine with you" Our Lady of Kibeho
"My children, don't worry about the difficulties you have. Nothing is better than having God. My dear children, problems exist everywhere, but the most important thing is to have an accepting heart without complaining." Our Lady of Kibeho 
“My children who have sadness and grief, pray a lot. Pray for strength and light to lighten your way. However, let me ask you, is it possible that maybe you forgot me? Are you maybe too distracted and forgot what I gave you?.." - Our Lady of Kibeho
"My children, I wish to see you as my flowers; I wish to smell a beautiful perfume exuding from my flowers. I want you to follow the love I have given you as an example, the love I give you everyday so that you don’t decrease in holiness." Our Lady of Kibeho
"My children, those who have problems, those who are worried, those who are sad, those who are sick, give me all your problems; I am listening. I will take them and help you. I don’t forget any of your prayers.” Our Lady of Kibeho
"My children, don’t judge, because the one who judges will be judged twice. Rather be quiet, and ask God to explain to you what you don’t understand." Our Lady of Kibeho
"My children, those who are married respect one another. Take care of your children, teach them to love, and to have good behavior, and to love their siblings." - Our Lady of Kibeho
“My children, don’t judge the priests. Rather, pray for one another and for them and pray for yourself. The most important thing is that you respect one another. The priests are the ones who represent my Son on earth.”- Our Lady of Kibeho
“My children, those who have problems, those who are worried, those who are sad, those who are sick, give me all your problems; I am listening. I will take them and help you. I don’t forget any of your prayers." - Our Lady of Kibeho
"... My children, be strong and remain vigilant so that your enemy Satan will not find a way to your hearts; let the rosary be your weapon. I am asking you to be victorious over Satan’s temptations that are all around you. When we say the rosary, ask for the intercession of Mary, and call upon the savior, Satan will lose and go away.” - Our Lady of Kibeho
“My children, listen well, and let me repeat the reasons why I came TODAY. I want, I wish that you love one another as we love you. I wish that you say prayers that comes from the heart. I want you to be my flowers, so that you continue to be my praises, because you are my praises..." - Our Lady of Kibeho
"My child, pray your rosary while you walk. When you meet an oprhan, treat him as your own child, give comfort to the troubled and care for the sick. Never refuse any who ask for your help. If your pockets are empty, give them hope. Your every action must be born of kindness, your every word spoken with love..." Our Lady of Kibeho
"Repent! Repent! Repent! When I tell you this, I am not addressing only you, child, but I am making this appeal to all the world. Today man empties all things of their true value. Those who are continually committing sins are doing so without ever accepting that what they are doing is wrong." Our Lady of Kibeho
"Then, my children, you too must offer forgiveness by asking God to fogive all those who have trespassed against you, all who have given you suffering, insult, or injury. Forgive them in prayer and ask God to bless them and help them." Our Lady of Kibeho
"Man is chasing the wind. Some people do not believe in the existence of heaven, they say the only heaven is on this earth. Yet on this earth all are poor, and all needs the gifts of God. Poverty is not a lack of money or food to eat. The only really poverty is the lack of grace that leads to the Lord. The possessions of this world are only ashes. The only really riches are the riches of the heart." - Our Lady of Kibeho
"If you say it in your families, in your villages and individually what is coming to hurt your country would not happen." Our tender Mother added "Say it not as catholics but as my children" - Our Lady of Kibeho
"Tell them that I am always with them and that I will accompany them to the end of their days. I am calling you so that you will come to me and I will lead you to my Son, but still you stand back. What is it that drives you away from this call?" Our Lady of Kibeho
"Some People do not believe in the existence of heaven, they say that the only heaven is on this earth. Yet on this earth, all are poor, and all need the gifts of God. Poverty is not a lack of money, nor is it a lack of food to eat. The only real poverty is the lack of grace that leads to God. The possessions of this world are only ashes. the only real riches are the riches of the heart." If Only We Had Listened
"I don't look at religion. All people are my children regardless of their beleifs. Pray the rosary, not as catholics, but as my children." Our Lady of Kibeho
"I wish to say to the young people that you become like beautiful flowers for me on this earth. A tree is straightened when still young. Children have tender hearts, while so many adults have hardened theirs until they have become surrounded by thorns." Our Lady of Kibeho
"You are burdened in life with cares of every sort. Understand that difficulties are the daily bread of all who live on earth. When they become too hard to cope with, know how to offer them to God. He really likes and expects from every Christian at least one sacrifice." Our Lady of Kibeho
"Blessed is the one who accepts being an intrument for me, for I will reward him in heaven. All the trials he has to endure will end one day, and I will save him from many obstacles that come from men." Our Lady of Kibeho (From book If We Had Listened)
“You all who are called crazy because you like to pray, all of you who are called thieves, those to whom, they say that you are loosing time by giving your life to God, I tell you one day you will be happy.” Our Lady of Kibeho to Alphonsine.
"...and for all of you who have been declared incurable, nothing is healthier than a soul at peace. There is no greater wealth than of a pure heart." Our Lady of Kibeho
"My children, pray, pray, follow the gospel of my Son, and nothing will disturb thhe peace of your souls. My Child suffered, my child was persecuted, He was crucified, but His suffering did not change the fact that He is King of Heaven and Earth." Blessings of Our Lady of Kibeho
"My dear children, in this moment, as I always listen to you, but especially because you did long trips coming to Me, I give you this time to tell Me everything you want in your heart, I am listening to you.  besides my children, there is nowhere, where there is not difficulties, the most important thing is to accept them, without complaining." - Our Lady of Kibeho
"I have come to prepare the way for Him, for your own good, and yet you do not want to accept, you do not want to understand. There is little time remaining, yet you still allow yourselves to be distracted by earthly goods and desires, which will soon all pass away. I see so many of my chidlren going astray, and so I come to plead with them, and to show them the correct way." Our Lady Kibeho 
"...when you meet an orphan, treat him as your own child, and give comfort to the troubled and care to the sick. Never refuse any who asks for help, if your pockets are empty, give them hope...your every action must be born of kindness and every word spoken with love. Live as God would have you to live, and by your example, others will be inspired to do the same... (Our Lady of Kibeho said)
"The one who turns to God in this world, and lives according to God's Will, can, through Divine Mercy, shorten and even avoid his time in purgatory." Our Lady of Kibeho. "If Only We had Listened"
"Tell them that I am always with them and that I will accompany them to the end of their days. I am calling you so that you will come to me, and I will lead you to my Son. But still you stand back. What is it that drives you away from this call?" Our Lady Of Kibeho "If Only We had Listened"
"What I am asking you is to repent. If you recite the Seven Sorrows Rosary, meditating upon it, you will receive the strength to truly repent. Today so many people do not know how to ask for forgiveness... This is why I have come to remind you of these things, especially here in Rwanda, because here I still find humble people who are not attached to money and the riches of the world." Our Lady Of Kibeho May 31, 1982
“I speak to you, but you do not hear Me. I want to lift you, but you remain down. I call you, but you turn a deaf ear. When will you do what I ask of you? You remain indifferent to all My appeals. When will you understand? When will you take interest in what I want to say to you? I give you signs, but you remain incredulous. How long will you turn a deaf ear to My appeals?” - Our Lady of Kibeho 



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